Sunday, June 20, 2010


HAPPY FATHERS DAY PAPA! gave donuts tht i bought at midvalley while outing with my bff saz. to papa. but the fuunny thing is i gave it the day bofore fathers day. bhaha. papa just accept it. and love the donuts so much. he didnt stop asking me how much is it. bcoz he wants to buy it in the near future.
then my mother ajak the family to putrajaya. naik cruise. but papa dont want bcoz his tired. so juz mama, adm n me je la pegi. when we arrived, my mother ask about the cruise, it open at 5.30pm. but the fee is so mahal. luckily my mum ade 2 free tickets naik cruise from her friend. so my mum jus bought one ticket. while we wait till 5.30, we go eateat. found a place to sit, my mum search her bag. "kenapa mama??" she search more and more. she lost her purse! mama tels adm to go runrun to the ticket counter. adm came back. his hand was empty, but his smiling. he found mama purse. yayyy.
after eateat. my mum solat and then naik cruise.

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